The National Association of
Virtual Bankruptcy Assistants hosts several bankruptcy training seminars every year. For the most recent information, view the links below:

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Improve Your Skills and the Skills of Your Office Staff

It is not uncommon for bankruptcy attorneys to struggle with bankruptcy petition preparation while simultaneously running their law firm, as well as dealing with deficiency notices from the Trustee.  If you could be shown an easy, step-by-step method (utilized by 100+ bankruptcy attorneys) that would eliminate these problems, would you be interested?  If so, you need to attend our training seminar.

Attention Paralegals and Legal Assistants:
Improve your skills, increase your knowledge and be a better asset to the attorneys you work for. 

If you work for one or more bankruptcy attorneys, chances are you were never trained in preparing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy petitions.  Instead, you had to learn these skills "on the fly" or from a variety of other people working at the law firm. Let your attorneys know about this seminar and encourage them to invest in advancing your training. They will make their investment back many times over.

Attention Virtual Bankruptcy Assistants:
Choose to work inside or outside the law firm. Learn a highly marketable skill and work for attorneys.

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 13 bankruptcy petition skills are needed by thousands of attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, VBA's, and aspiring VBA's across the United States, seeking to hire virtual bankruptcy assistants, paralegals and other staff members. The only problem is that these skills are NOT taught in any law school or paralegal training course. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to secure your financial future by learning the skills you need to work for attorneys and help people in the bad financial times we are all living in. With the knowledge you learn at this exclusive and unique Bankruptcy Training Seminar, you can immediately begin working for bankruptcy attorneys in any state within the U.S. either virtually (from your home office) or as an employee at almost any bankruptcy law firm in the United States.

The National Association of Virtual Bankruptcy Assistants (NAVBA), a subsidiary of

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